Receiver AREA Choices

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ARTSYS - Courses Satisfying Social Sciences AREA for U of Maryland, Baltimore

You may select courses from the displayed results for inclusion in the 'Evaluate Transcript' function by clicking on the box next to the course and entering a received grade or anticipated grade for that course. After you have selected the course(s), Click on the 'Process Selections' button at the bottom of this screen to add the course(s) to your 'transcript'. Next select the 'Evaluate Transcript' button and choose 'RTP Evaluation' or 'Course Evaluation'.

Cecil College COM171 Effective Fall 1980 Intro. to Instructional Media
Cecil College COU102 Effective Fall 1980 Dynamics of Human Interaction
Cecil College CSC105 Effective Spring 2017 Geographic Information System
Cecil College ECO221 Effective Fall 1980 Economics-Micro
Cecil College ECO222 Effective Fall 1980 Economics-Macro
Cecil College EDU101 Effective Fall 1980 Introduction to Education
Cecil College EDU131 Effective Fall 1980 Principles of Early Childhood
Cecil College EDU132 Effective Fall 1980 Principles of Early Childhood II
Cecil College EDU261 Effective Fall 1980 Intro Early Childhood Education
Cecil College EDU262 Effective Fall 1980 Creative Methods + Materials
Cecil College GEO102 Effective Fall 1980 Cultural Geography
Cecil College HST201 Effective Fall 1980 History of US (Reconstruction)
Cecil College HST202 Effective Fall 1980 History of US (Recons-Present)
Cecil College HST203 Effective Fall 1980 History of Maryland
Cecil College HST213 Effective Fall 1980 Topics in Cecil County History
Cecil College LAE221 Effective Fall 1980 Criminology
Cecil College POS101 Effective Fall 1980 Intro to Political Science
Cecil College POS102 Effective Fall 1980 Comparative Political Science
Cecil College POS201 Effective Fall 1980 American Government
Cecil College POS202 Effective Fall 1980 State + Local Government
Cecil College PSY101 Effective Fall 1980 Introduction to Psychology
Cecil College PSY201 Effective Fall 1980 Human Growth
Cecil College PSY204 Effective Fall 1980 Psychology of Women
Cecil College PSY207 Effective Fall 1980 Educational Psychology
Cecil College PSY221 Effective Fall 1980 Pers Adjustment+Mental Hlth
Cecil College PSY222 Effective Fall 1980 Organizational Psychology
Cecil College PSY227 Effective Fall 1980 Intro. to Abnormal Psychology
Cecil College SOC101 Effective Fall 1980 Introduction to Sociology
Cecil College SOC102 Effective Fall 1980 Social Problems
Cecil College SOC103 Effective Fall 1980 Marriage and the Family
Cecil College SOC107 Effective Fall 1980 The Sociology of Women
Cecil College SOC110 Effective Fall 1980 Sociology of Small Groups
Cecil College SOC222 Effective Fall 1980 Juvenile Delinquency

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