Receiver AREA Choices

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ARTSYS - Courses Satisfying Fine Arts Humanities AREA for U of Maryland, Baltimore

You may select courses from the displayed results for inclusion in the 'Evaluate Transcript' function by clicking on the box next to the course and entering a received grade or anticipated grade for that course. After you have selected the course(s), Click on the 'Process Selections' button at the bottom of this screen to add the course(s) to your 'transcript'. Next select the 'Evaluate Transcript' button and choose 'RTP Evaluation' or 'Course Evaluation'.

Cecil College ART101 Effective Fall 1980 Fundamentals of Design I
Cecil College ART110 Effective Fall 1980 Color
Cecil College ART120 Effective Fall 1980 Lettering
Cecil College ART130 Effective Fall 1980 Drawing I
Cecil College ART130 Effective Fall 1980 Drawing I
Cecil College ART132 Effective Fall 1980 Landscape
Cecil College ART140 Effective Fall 1980 Painting I
Cecil College ART141 Effective Fall 1980 Survey of Art History
Cecil College ART142 Effective Fall 1980 Landscape
Cecil College ART150 Effective Fall 1980 Art Appreciation (Museum)
Cecil College ART152 Effective Fall 1980 Sculpture
Cecil College ART180 Effective Fall 1980 Basic Photography
Cecil College ART201 Effective Fall 1980 Three-Dimensional Design
Cecil College ART230 Effective Fall 1980 Drawing II
Cecil College ART230 Effective Fall 1980 Drawing II
Cecil College ART231 Effective Fall 1980 Portrait Drawing
Cecil College ART240 Effective Fall 1980 Painting II
Cecil College ART242 Effective Fall 1980 Survey of Modern Art History
Cecil College ART272 Effective Fall 1980 Silk Screening
Cecil College EGL102 Effective Fall 1980 Composition + Literary Forms
Cecil College EGL107 Effective Fall 1980 English Usage
Cecil College EGL203 Effective Fall 1980 British Literature to 18th Century
Cecil College EGL204 Effective Fall 1980 British Literature 19th Century to Present
Cecil College EGL205 Effective Fall 1980 American Literature to 1865
Cecil College EGL206 Effective Fall 1980 American Literature 1865 to Present
Cecil College EGL211 Effective Fall 1980 Technical Writing
Cecil College EGL213 Effective Fall 1980 Introduction to Film
Cecil College HCD270 Effective Spring 2017 Ethical Issues in Healthcare
Cecil College MUC103 Effective Fall 1980 Introduction to Jazz
Cecil College MUC133 Effective Fall 1980 Music Lit.
Cecil College MUC134 Effective Fall 1980 Music Lit.
Cecil College MUC143 Effective Fall 1980 Music Fundamentals
Cecil College PHI101 Effective Fall 1980 Introduction to Philosophy
Cecil College PHI201 Effective Fall 1980 Ethics - Comtemp Moral Probs
Cecil College PHI202 Effective Fall 1980 Clear Thinking: Inductive Logic
Cecil College PHI203 Effective Fall 1980 Hist of Ideas I: Ancient
Cecil College PHO101 Effective Fall 1980 Black
Cecil College PHO102 Effective Fall 1980 Black
Cecil College PHO102 Effective Fall 1980 Black
Cecil College REL101 Effective Fall 1980 Introduction to Religion
Cecil College REL201 Effective Fall 1980 Religion in America
Cecil College REL202 Effective Fall 1980 World Religion
Cecil College RUS102 Effective Spring 2016 Russian II
Cecil College SPH121 Effective Fall 1980 Intro to Speech Communication
Cecil College SPH141 Effective Fall 1980 Public Speaking
Cecil College SPH151 Effective Fall 1980 Oral Intrp. of Lit.
Cecil College SPH252 Effective Fall 1980 Advanced Public Speaking
Cecil College SPH282 Effective Fall 1980 Voice
Cecil College THE103 Effective Fall 1980 Stagecraft
Cecil College THE105 Effective Fall 1980 Basic Costume + Make-up Design
Cecil College THE161 Effective Fall 1980 Introduction to the Theatre
Cecil College THE162 Effective Fall 1980 Introduction to Acting
Cecil College THE180 Effective Fall 1980 Children's Theatre
Cecil College THE181 Effective Fall 1980 Children's Theatre
Cecil College THE182 Effective Fall 1980 Children's Theatre
Cecil College THE242 Effective Fall 1980 Development of Drama
Cecil College THE271 Effective Fall 1980 Acting Fundamentals
Cecil College THE272 Effective Fall 1980 Advanced Fundamentals of Acting
Cecil College THE280 Effective Fall 1980 Theatre Practicum I

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