Recommended Transfer Program Evaluation

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Major:Business - Operations Management & Business Analyt (Starting Fall 2019)
Cecil College to U of Maryland, College Park

Display only Active Courses
3 CreditsBUS103
3 CreditsBUS101 or (ACC101 and ACC102)
3 CreditsBUS102
3 CreditsECO221
3 CreditsECO222
3-4 Credits*MATH120 (Elementary Calculus I) or *MATH136 or MAT201
3 CreditsFundamental Studies - Academic Writing AREA
3 CreditsSPH141 or *COMM107 (ORAL COMM PRIN) or SPH252
Choose 1 of the next 2 Credit Groups:
7-8 CreditsDistributive Studies - Natural Sciences AREA and Distributive Studies - Natural Science Lab AREA
8 CreditsDistributive Studies - Natural Science Lab AREA (Pick 2)
6 CreditsHumanities & Diversity - Understanding Plural Societies AREA
3 CreditsDistributive Studies - Scholarship in Practice AREA
6 CreditsSignature Courses - I-Series AREA
9 CreditsLower Level Elective
60 Credits
Contact Person:
Competitive Admissions GPA:
Minimum Program Grade:

RTP Last Updated: October 03, 2019

This RTP may not satisfy all degree requirements at Cecil College

* This U of Maryland, College Park course has no Equivalency at Cecil College;
Check with your Advisor for an alternate course.

Additional Requirements & Information

The University of Maryland, College Park, requires students to complete a minimum of 40 credits of general education. Students transferring to the University who have completed their general education requirements at another Maryland public institution of higher education will be considered to have completed their general education requirements with the exception of an upper-level writing course and any additional credits necessary to complete the minimum number of general education credits.

Students transferring to the University from another Maryland public institution of higher education who have not completed their general education requirements at another Maryland public institution of higher education should go to for more information.

Operations Management & Business Analytics

This major is only offered by the Smith School at the College Park campus. For more details on this major visit .

Transfer Students

Certain majors are very popular and require a limit on the number of students they can accommodate and are designated Limited Enrollment Programs (LEP) and these majors have specific admission. External transfer students from other institutions apply to LEP's through the general application for admission to the University by indicating the major(s) of interest. Students are first admitted to the University and then to Limited Enrollment Program majors based on LEP standards. All majors at the Robert H. Smith School of Business are classified as LEP majors.

For further information, visit , and for specific LEP requirements for the Robert H. Smith School of Business’s majors visit .

Students who are targeting a business major should also consider alternative majors outside of the Smith School of Business due to the competitiveness of admissions to the Smith School of Business. Popular alternatives include Economics and Communication. It is important to research the requirements of alternative majors as well in order to plan a curriculum that satisfies various options.

For additional details on the Smith School's transfer admission process and requirements visit

For UMCP Transfer Student FAQs see the Transfer Student FAQ page.

For UMCP 4-year plans for academic majors follow the links at

Maryland Transfer Advantage Program

A partnership between the UMCP and the following community colleges:

  • Anne Arundel Community College
  • Carroll Community College
  • College of Southern Maryland
  • Community College of Baltimore County
  • Frederick Community College
  • Montgomery College
  • Prince George's Community College

The Maryland Transfer Advantage Program is designed for community college students who intend to complete a Bachelor's degree at the UMCP.

Students participate in the Maryland Transfer Advantage Program while completing a program at the community college.

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